Donate Donate to a Project Clyde Climate Forest Donate Fundraise This project aims to plant 18 million trees across Glasgow City Region as part of a new urban ‘forest’. The Clyde Climate Forest Over the next decade, ten trees for every man, woman and child in Glasgow City Region will be planted. New woodland planting will bring benefits to local communities by providing opportunities for people to get out and get planting to improve their local area and engage with nature on their doorstep. New planting will also connect up woodlands to help restore nature and boost biodiversity. Where will the Clyde Climate Forest (CCF) be? Getting involved Communities and individuals can come together to support the project to help improve local environments. Some of the projects already underway include: Faifley Knowes Park, Clydebank - 600 trees planted by TCV bringing multiple benefits for local wildlife and people Seven Lochs Tiny Forest - Native trees planted as the first of many ‘tiny forests’! Part of Scotland’s largest urban nature park. You can help us plant trees Come to a tree planting event with your family and friends - We’re keen to involve local people in planting trees in neighbourhoods with low levels of tree cover, especially young people as they will gain most from seeing these trees grow and thrive in years to come. To find out what is happening in your area contact us: [email protected] Why Donate to the Clyde Climate Forest? If you are enthusiastic about trees you can help us to find the funding required for new trees and their care. You can also help us to find sites where trees can be planted. These might be:> Replacing lost street trees;> Street side grass areas that could accommodate trees;> Corners of a playing field or a park where a small wood might fit in. Help us raise funds by:> Organising a fundraising event> Getting a local company to sponsor a tree planting scheme> Donating the cost of a tree, or several trees Donate to the CCF Community Groups and individuals can donate the CCF via MyPark Scotland donation facility here. For businesses donations please contact our team on: [email protected] BUSINESS DONATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED THROUGH THE MyParkScotland SITE – PLEASE CONTACT US DIRECT TO DISCUSS [CLYDE CLIMATE FOREST REQUIRE BUSINESSES TO HAVE A CARBON REDUCTION STRATEGY IN PLACE BEFORE ACCEPTING DONATIONS FOR RESIDUAL CARBON EMMISSIONS.] By donating to this project you agree to Clyde Climate Forest contacting you to keep you informed about the projects progress, if you would like to opt out of this please contact [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences